For Saxophone and a System (2011)

The “Saxophone” is a saxophone. The “System” is a simple switch-controlled amplification gate. The amplification switches on and off at an accelerating rate. The video projection mirrors the state of the amplification. As the amplification accelerates the system begins to feedback as a result of the close proximity of the microphone to the speaker and the cumulative time that the gate is left open. The frequency and timbre of the feedback is shaped by the notes fingered on the saxophone, the shape of the player’s mouth, the acoustic material, and the position of the microphone to the bell of the saxophone. The feedback is an unpredictable yet malleable aspect of the piece. The performer is provided with specific material to play, but many of the performance decisions are left to their judgement and improvisation. For Saxophone and A System achieves a basic level of integration between acoustic and electronic sound worlds and creates a performance setting that allows for sonic exploration and an extension of the saxophone vocabulary.

The videos draws inspiration from flicker films.

The performance you see here is one of the most mellow and delicate that have ever occurred. Sometimes it screams, sometimes it whispers.